The Homer Higbee International Education Award recognizes MSU students and other individuals who have made significant contributions to the support of international awareness at Michigan State University through involvement in programs that promote cross-cultural understanding on campus and in the community. Recipients receive a cash award, but financial need is not a criterion for nomination.
Eligibility Requirements
Nominees must:
be a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate student at MSU who is either:
an international student who has been actively involved in leadership roles in planning, implementing and evaluating programs and activities that promote international understanding at MSU and/or the surrounding community; or
a domestic student who participated in or has developed an independent education abroad program.
-OR- a member of the community who has been active in promoting and supporting international exchange of students at MSU; preference will be given to community members who are involved with Community Volunteers for International Programs who also meet the other selection criteria.
Submit a Nomination
Nominations for the 2025 International Awards program are now closed. Awards will be announced in spring 2025 and recipients honored at the International Awards Ceremony on April 17, 2025.
The Homer Higbee International Education Award was established to honor the memory of Homer Higbee, who dedicated his professional life to international education exchange during the 25 years that he served in the Office of International Studies and Programs at Michigan State University.
1990 Mary Ann Albanza, Nancy Kopka
1991 Maria Del Rocio Cespedes, Annabel Larzelere, Susan Lufkin
1992 Jennifer L. Winn, Emily Wolf, Rabi Mohtar
1993 David Fox, Lillian Kumata, Oumatie Marajh, Eduardo Olivo
1994 Jan Stacey Bieler, Lois Park, Hakan Saraoglu
1995 Betty Harwood, Emily Holley, Irene Kyung-sik Shim, Ramzi M. Mansoob, Elizabeth Spata
1996 Mary B. McVee, Dottie Schmidt, See Yuen (Stephen) Wong
1997 Mary Barrett, Annalie Campos, Brim Ngombi, Joseph Westerhof