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About the Awards

Carl K. Eicher International Development Award for Human Resources Development and Institution Capacity Building for Sustainable Food Security

The Carl K. Eicher International Development Award for Human Resources Development and Institution Capacity Building for Sustainable Food Security recognizes distinguished achievements by MSU faculty or staff members who have made exemplary and lasting contributions that continue the legacy of Carl K. Eicher, who worked for more than three decades to build the next generation of young professionals and leaders for international development. He mentored hundreds of young minds and helped open new doors of opportunities for their professional growth. Award recipients are expected to share the character and qualities of excellence which Eicher demonstrated at MSU. 

Eligibility Requirements

Nominees must:

  • be a faculty or staff member at MSU;
  • demonstrate significant contributions to human resources development and institution capacity building for sustainable food security

Submit a Nomination

Nominations for the 2025 International Awards program are due December 31, 2024. Awards will be announced in spring 2025 and recipients honored at the International Awards Ceremony on April 8, 2025.

To submit a nomination, complete the online nomination form and include:

  • the nominee's curriculum vitae
  • a letter of nomination no longer than two pages in which the nominator provides evidence of nominee’s exemplary contribution towards building international human resources and institutional capacity for international development. Criteria for consideration include:
    • number of people from developing countries trained through degree or non-degree programs offered at MSU or internationally
    • contribution to institution building; may include new courses and training programs/modules developed and offered, new policies introduced, new technologies developed and transferred, knowledge networks/platforms/centers established
    • commitment throughout one’s career: engagement and contributions in international human resources development and/or institution building over 10 years or more
    • leadership and sustained commitment and contribution towards international human resources development and/or institution building
    • passion for developing young minds towards international development

This award was established in honor of Carl K. Eicher, former University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Resource Economics in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at MSU, who had a passion for human capital development and institution building.